FAQ: GnomeWorks Wooden Dice Box
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Hello, I have just pledged $125 to your project. I was just wondering where I would change the type of wood and color of leather (Since the stretch goal was reached). Is this something that will be addressed when it comes time to ship my product?

I have teamed up with Backerkit to help handle all of the options that everyone will have from their pledges. When you get the survey you will be able to pick the type of wood and the color of leather. I am getting samples of the choices of leather now and will post an update soon. You will also be able to add extra trackers and other items to your pledge if you want. The survey will be sent out about a week after the campaign ends, around November 24th. If you ordered and are to receive your reward in the first wave (Dec), the survey will be closed (locked in) December 1st. If you are in the second wave your survey will be closed around December 15th.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:04

Can you accommodate both trackers inside the apprentice box?

No, the amount of space inside of the box is ~1.24 inches. Each tracker is ~0.31 inches thick. With a D20 being ~0.791 (flat to flat) and ~0.951 (point to point), only one tracker will be able to fit in with any dice other than dice that are smaller than ~0.61 and then it would be possible.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

I pledged for an apprentice lvl box but would like both an hp and spell counter to come with the set, I assumed the size was the smaller one since it's the smallest box and added $15 to my pledge.

Yes it is the smaller tracker, The $15 +$2 added to the pledge is fine to cover the extra tracker and shipping. The way that you did it was the correct way. Always pledge the box (Highest Dollar item) first and the extra trackers will be added to your order. I have noted in your backer file that you are wanting both the Apprentice Box and extra tracker to make a “set”.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

Will the black walnut wood be printed in a different color to allow for visibility?

The wood is Laser etched so, no I can not do it in an other color. I do burn the laser “longer” than I do with the other woods due to it being a dark wood. Please see the Photo for reference in the Prototype section and you can decide if it is enough contrast for you. I am 50+ and I can read them fine in a well lit room.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

Can you list the dimensions of each dice row?

Here are the dimensions of each row. All measurements are in inches. Width 1.071 Length 5.80 Height 0.90 or ~ 0.93 Think if it as a hotdog shape on the inside. The taper starts around 5.40 so you loose about .40 of being the full .90 or ~ .93 in height on the length.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

Is the spell tracker compatible with Pathfinder?

No, I do not believe so… With Pathfinder you are able to have more spells per level based on feats, ability scores and many other reasons. With D&D 5e nobody gets more than 1 9th or 8th level spells even at level 20. In Pathfinder; I understand that you can have as many as 3 or 4 9th level spells at level 20! I can design almost any tracker if I can watch game play and understand the min and max that a player can have base on the system. Now the HP tracker should work just fine. Hit Points are universal with both systems. I do not think that a player can have more than 599 HP even at level 20! What is more universal in most Tabletop RPGs are the dice and the HP systems. So the Apprentice Box (2 Dice Set Storage, Dice Tray, with HP Tracker) or Journeyman Box (4 Dice Set Storage) would be more appropriate for gaming outside of the D&D 5e system.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

Is there going to be trackers sets as add ons or the run is limited?

The run is limited due to having a December/Christmas delivery. If the reward is sold out, I will create another reward with a later delivery date. All of the rewards are limited due to this fact. If you are wanting multiple sets / boxes / rewards just take the amount with shipping and add it to your pledge and pm me what you are wanting to do. I will then lower the limit on the current reward so that you will receive all the products at once.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

What wood was used for the "Greenan" box?


Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

What are the sleeves made of? Are they water proof or resistant? How durable are they?

The sleeves currently are made of 65# premium card stock (8.5 x 11) sheets. They are not waterproof. I will be testing 80# pound card stock to see if the trackers still fits in the boxes. I have very tight tolerances, so I always want to test it before I will say exactly what is going to production. Currently it is 65# card stock paper. I will be providing to each backer that gets a tracker/trackers a PDF so that you can print your own and replace them at anytime. Each sheet will give 2 small tracker sleeves or 1 large and 1 small tracker sleeve.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

Any possibility of shipping out of the US? (UK specifically)

Yes, I am willing to ship internationally but do not know just what is the extra cost of shipping + import costs. I will have to look at it on a case by case basis. I will research more and may add a international shipping reward or add it to the survey at the end of the campaign.

Last updated: November 14, 2017 14:07

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I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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