Four Set Dice Holder, HP Tracker, Spell Tracker and Rolling Tray in a wooden box for D&D 5e or Tabletop RPG games. Six wood choices!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Timing for New Order Delivery
almost 6 years ago
– Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 05:55:41 AM
I am currently working on a few orders... I have started a new job and it is very demanding on time and physical activity (so currently tired most of the time). It is taking longer to complete the orders than the usual (2 to 3 weeks). I wanted to let everyone know that I am still working on my boxes but it will be slower for awhile until I am able to get use to the new "conditions". Thanks for everyone's patience if you order one of my wonderful gaming boxes.
Eric Brown
Head Gnome
May Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!
Year Anniversary of this Kickstarter!
about 6 years ago
– Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 05:05:45 PM
Thanks so much for supporting my Kickstarter! Hopefully this last year was kind to you. I got an email from Kickstarter saying congratulations on the one year anniversary of my funding. WOW, it seems like a lifetime ago. I have learned a lot and am continuing to make orders for new customers every week. The Kickstarter brought in about 22K in sales and we have passed another 12K in post campaign orders! I am usually able to ship out orders within 2 to 3 weeks after receiving them, so if you are wanting something for Christmas you will need to get your order in soon.
I am currently testing another product that I designed for D&D and hope to do another Kickstarter sometime next year.
I would love to have your feedback on the products since everyone has had their box/trackers for a several months now. You can do it here or you can go to Facebook and post something on the GnomeWorks page.
Again thank you for supporting GnomeWorks.
Eric Brown - Head Gnome
Gnomeworks October Special
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 07:03:07 AM
If someone has been eyeing your box or trackers... I have a special that you should let them know about... The Head Gnome has a fever and is crazy! He has decreed:
Free Shipping for orders over $100! *Offer for US Delivery*
Orders need to been over a $100 before shipping cost. Use Coupon Code: SCREDITKS for $13 off your order.
All dice boxes have that cost for US shipping. If you are international, and your order is over $100 before shipping, I will give you a credit of $13.
If your shipping is more and your order is over the $100 amount, I will adjust your order to reflect the credit for the total shipping cost *US Delivery*.
This offer will go through Oct 20th.
May Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!
Production Update Week ending 06/30/18
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Jul 02, 2018 at 06:41:35 PM
I am happy to say that this will be my last production update. I have everything made, sanded, finished and shipped for the backers and post campaign orders. I have a few stragglers (orders that came in last week) and some artisan boxes that are not drying well, but I will communicate through email on the few (4 backers) that have not had their products shipped yet. I wanted to thank you for your support in this endeavor and hope that you really enjoy the products that you have received. Lots of heart, blood, time and sweat went into the products that you purchased. Enjoy your dice boxes and trackers! And as always... the Glittergold blessing!
Glittergold Blessing
Please give us a review about your purchase on Facebook or in the comments session to this campaign!
Best Regards,
Eric Brown - Head Gnome
New Orders
The new orders will have a lead time of 2 weeks from order to shipped. Just go to the post campaign store to order. THANKS!
Production Update Week ending 06/15/2018
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 07:13:14 PM
I am almost done with all of the open orders. It has been a long process but I am glad that I did this Kickstarter and were able to find other's who appreciated my handiwork.
Wave 3.23 - Has been shipped
Wave 3.3 & Wave 3.41 - have been combined into one wave. They have been made now and I still have to put in the magnets, sand, marry the tops and bottoms, and etc, before putting them into finishing. I plan on putting them into finishing by Thursday and it is a week before I can ship. Expect your CC to be charged tomorrow.
Artisan Boxes
I have completed all of them but they are taking much longer to dry between the coats of finish. Three are in this stage: 2 - Bolivian Rosewood, 1 - Bocote. I have shown the Bolivian Rosewood boxes in the previous update so here is a picture of the Bocote Master Craftsman box.
Bocote Master Craftsman 1st Coat
Then I am completely done except for Jasse's box which I still need to make. \o/
Thanks Again for supporting Gnomeworks! I hope you are enjoying your boxes and are happy with your purchase. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your box and don't forget to comment here or on Facebook about how you like the Gnomeworks dice box.
May Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!