
GnomeWorks Wooden Dice Box

Created by Gnomeworks

Four Set Dice Holder, HP Tracker, Spell Tracker and Rolling Tray in a wooden box for D&D 5e or Tabletop RPG games. Six wood choices!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update Week ending 03/16/2018
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 09:37:40 PM



Just busy making boxes...  Those that are backers 134 or less check your emails for notification with tracking numbers.  I did spend sometime looking at the future production and it looks like I have about 4 to 5 weeks of production to finish all of the backers from the Kickstarter Campaign.  Then it will be about another month to complete all of the post campaign orders.  So the person that ordered yesterday will have about a 2 to 2.5 month wait until their box is shipped.  I am now trying to make each wave be about 1 week of production.  Since each box is unique unforeseen challenges can arise but overall most things are going better now.  Also, I have sent out the digital files for the tracker covers, so look for that, it allows you to replace a torn or broken sleeve.

Post Kickstarter Campaign Orders

I have been getting more questions from those who missed the campaign on how and when they should expect their order to be made.  I have tried to address this in this update.  Now that I have completed close to 75% of the campaign backer rewards.  I will be using your Backer ID instead of the Backer #, (It looks like 9097942).  The backer # comes from the Kickstarter system while the Backer ID comes from the Backerkit system.

Backers who have received your reward

I know most of y'all probably don't read my updates anymore.  But if you can comment on how you like your reward, I would appreciate it!  I have gotten alot of great feedback and would love to hear from more of you out there.  And remember if you have any issues with your rewards please contact me so that I can make you happy.


As of 3/27/2018...

Wave 1, Wave 1.5, Wave 2.133, and Wave 2.134 - Done...

Backer #132 is on hold until end of production by special permission.  Thanks Jasse!

Wave 2.151 - In Finishing (should go to post office on Friday)...

I may hold off on the shipping of the African Mahogany boxes due to the difference in the color of the trackers and the boxes (it was a different board)... The trackers are more red and the box is more golden. I did not promise that the four parts of the box was going to be from one board (except for the Artisan boxes) but I have gotten use to trying to get the color and tone close due to the small production batches...  It was not apparent before the finish was being applied.  SO, if you are: 147,135,139,146,150 and don't mind the contrast, PM me and I will ship your reward out is week, if not I am making new African Mahogany trackers to replace the "red" ones (1 week delay in shipping). See picture below...

African Mahogany (Different Tone and Color)
African Mahogany (Different Tone and Color)

Wave 2.170 - Making this week, Putting into finishing next week

Current Wave 2.170
Current Wave 2.170

Wave 2.186 - Making next week... (through Backer # 186)

Wave 2.203 - TBD (through Backer # 203)

Wave 2.221 - TBD through Backer # 221) Last wave with campaign backers

Wave 3 - (Post Campaign) Will be in 3 waves...  About 30 people! Tks!

Looks like all rewards and orders will be shipped out within 2 to 2.5 months from now, (Hopefully a little sooner...)  Always trying to increase my production without sacrificing quality.

Everyone have a Great Easter weekend and...

Production Update Week ending 03/09/2018
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 12:10:01 AM



The day that I wrote the last update, one of my machines "broke".  I got it fixed by Friday morning but it was down most of the week.  The goblin raids can really test your faith!


We shipped lots of rewards this week!  So many of you should look for an email with the tracking number.  I am happy to say that all of wave 1 and 1.5 are done and all except for one that did not pass QC (I have to remake), sorry #63, I will get it remade this week.  I am using your backer numbers to keep everyone's privacy and not use your name.  See all that is shipping out!


 All that got shipped tonight!  Took my wife and I about 6 hours to get it completed.


 Out of wave 2.134 most has been shipped out except for 5 African Mahogany MC boxes and they have all has been cut but still need to go through some steps to get to the finishing stage, Should be about Wednesday or Thursday and all should be in the finishing stage.

 I have made the next wave and will start working on cutting out the rewards this week. 

Wave 2.151

I make these graphics just for the updates, so I am still playing with the format to lower the amount of time it takes to produce but still be transparent.

The Bolivian Rosewood box is done but it taking longer to dry than the other types of woods.  The Brazilian Cherry box should go into finishing this week with the other MC boxes that are finished.

Well, it is 2am and I need to get to bed.  Hope to have a very productive week this next week!  (says a quick blessing cantrip from Glittergold). 1d4 added to this weeks production!

May Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!
May Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!


Production Update week ending 03/01/2018
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 03:40:46 PM



The second CNC machine did not get up a running until this morning.  The advance replacement came in and did not work!  By the time I would have gotten the damaged part replaced the fixed part would be arriving soon after.  So they are allowing me to return the extra controller but the parts needed did not arrive until late Friday night and I was unable to work on it until late Sunday night.  The good news is that it is working and both machines are up and running this morning.

People that ordered after the Kickstarter was done, you are in Wave 3 and will be produced after all of Wave 2 have been done.  Best guess is 2 to 3 months from now.  Hopefully sooner but I am tired of missing the deadlines I set.

Backers that have received your reward drop me a line to let me know how you like your item!  Don't forget to like Gnomeworks on Facebook also.  Feel free to post a review if you want.  If for some reason you are unhappy with your reward please contact me so I can resolve any issue you have.  [email protected]


Here is the update on the production.  With the short week due to the convention and some issues with the CNCs it was a less productive than I expected.  If your product is in "Finishing" and you would get all of your order... Good news your order will ship this week!  That means that the one from Wave 1.5 and all of Wave 2.113 should ship out this week.  Wave 2.134 should be put into finishing by the end of this week and I will add another "wave" to start producing.  It should be around backer #150 at that point.

Also finishing up an Artisan box (Bolivian Rosewood) order and it should go out this week.  I have an Artisan box (Brazilian Cherry) order now cut out and going into fitting and sanding this week.  I still have two Artisan boxes to make from Wave 2 and will be fitting them in to production soon.

Here is the graphics for the different waves.




For those who are interested in Molly the shop cat...  We took Molly to SNAP to get her fixed.  While she was there they said that she had something wrong with her because there was puss in her mouth.  They said that she might have Aids or Leukemia and might have to be put down, it was a horrible conversation.  They will not test/exam her, they only fix feral cats.  So we set an appointment with a cat hospital.  She was tested/examed and they said that she has a disease that causes her body to attack her teeth.  She will need a full mouth extraction and that usually fixes this issue (75% of the time).  Because she is young it is a better chance that she will be on the good side if that.  The cost is more than we can do right now but she is in good spirits.  They shaved her back because she had so many knots in her fur.  Now it makes sense why she is unable to clean herself good, her mouth hurts.  Here is a picture of her from today.  She won't allow me to pick her up so a bath from us is out of the question.  :-(


 Well, I need to get back to working on the boxes.... Until next update...


Production Update week ending 02/16/2018
almost 7 years ago – Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 10:13:17 PM



Happy Valentines day supporters!  I hope that you had some special time with your significant other.  This weekend we took Molly to the vet to get fixed.  When she was there they said that she may have something (sickness) because her mouth is really messed up and she has lots of sores and pus.  They would not run any test due to they were not feral friendly for anything other than spade and neuter process.  We are going to have to take her to an animal hospital this week to get her tested for ???.  Hopefully with a little TLC and some meds we can get her healthy.  She is a very sweet cat and I would hate to have her suffer.  I think that the mother cat leaves her rejects at our house like a hospital orphanage (Cider House Rules).  We see the mom in the neighborhood but she has not brought over any another cats in the past year.  But the ones she has in the past seem to always have some kind of issue.

Going to Owlcon this next weekend.  I volunteered for staff duty and signed up to play in some D&D sessions.  If you are near Houston look at stopping by Rice University this next weekend.  If you see me come up and say hi.  I would love to meet my backers in person!


Here is the production update. If your backer number is not on the report and you are in the wave... you should have a tracking number because your reward has shipped.  Seeing if I like this format…

Wave 1 – All Shipped

Wave 1.5 – Almost all Shipped #52 AM – MC Done #52 Trackers for MC Finishing #52 S Maple – PF Tracker Done

Wave 2.113 – Mixed (Up to #113)

Cutting Fitting Sanding Finishing Done

#63 AM – Lg T Set X X X #88 Walnut – MC X X X X X #88 Trackers for MC X X X X #88 Walnut – PF Tracker X X X #93 AM – MC X X #93 Trackers for MC X X X #94 AM – MC X X #94 Trackers for MC X X X #97 AM – MC X X #97 Trackers for MC X X X #98 AM – Lg T Set X X X #98 Cherry – Sm T Set X X X #102 Walnut – MC X X X X X #102 Trackers for MC X X X #110 Walnut – App X X X X X #110 Trackers for App X X X #111 AM – MC X X #111 Trackers for MC X X X

Wave 2.134 – Mixed (Up to #134)

Cutting Fitting Sanding Finishing Done

114 AM – MC X X 114 Trackers for MC X X X 115 AM – MC X X 115 Trackers for MC X X X 115 AM – Sm Spell Tracker X X X X X 117 Trackers for MC X 117 AM – MC X 118 Walnut – Sm Spell Tracker X X X 119 AM – MC X 119 Trackers for MC X 120 AM – MC X X 120 Trackers for MC X X X 121 Walnut – MC X X 121 Trackers for MC X X X 122 Walnut – MC X X 122 Trackers for MC X X X 123 Walnut – MC X 123 Trackers for MC X 126 AM – MC X 126 Trackers for MC X 128 AM – MC X 128 Trackers for MC X 129 AM – MC X 129 Trackers for MC X 132 S Maple (On hold) 133 AM – MC X 133 Trackers for MC X 133 Pecan – Sm T Set X 134 W Oak – Lg HP Tracker X

Nope, that did not work... >.<

Lets try this....



 I was not going to let the last 2 hours worth of work go to waste!  #&$$*% Goblins!  I really need to find their King and put an end to his reign!  That took too long, next time I will try to do it in Excel instead of Word.  About a quarter way through this exercise I realized it was a mistake but I like to see things visually... Plus checking and looking at it from a different way sometimes helps find holes or issues.  Another way is to see it this way....

Product in different stages
Product in different stages


My production reports that I work from
My production reports that I work from

On a positive note, I did get lots of stuff shipped this last week. \o/

I was hit hard this week with goblin raids.  Their raids were more that the usual nuance this week.  Goblins were able to cut the cable for a z axis plate.  So I was having to move the one good plate from one CNC machine to another, so slowing down the process.  I quickly dispatched runners to bring me a replacement and it was going to arrive Friday.  Thursday afternoon Goblin sappers were able to penetrate my walls and take out the nerve center of my war machine (CNC).  The controller went out and after 1.5 days of Tech Support...  I got an RMA number and was told that they would not do an advance replacement for the controller and pendant.  I was quoted 7 to 10 business days for the repair (with shipping to and from it would be 3 weeks).  That is too long to be down 1/2 of my production, so I had to buy another controller and pendant $500+ but I should have it by Wednesday now.  They will ship it out tomorrow and I paid for 2 day shipping.  So the Goblins were very successful in raiding me!  They were able to capture the runner bringing the replacement cable and destroy the the shipment in the process!  I received the news late Friday afternoon.  With all of the setbacks, I am still in good spirits and looking forward to completing 2 Artisan boxes this week, finishing and shipping wave 2.113 and getting the bulk of wave 2.134 into finishing.

It is midnight now, so good night everyone and may Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!

Production Update week ending 02/09/2018
almost 7 years ago – Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 09:27:41 PM


This is a short update...

General News

I am thinking of posting updates when I finish a new batch, (usually about every 10 days) instead of once a week.  It will be up to you the backers on what you would prefer...  If you want the weekly updates please like this update.  If I get at least 25 likes to this update then I will continue to update you on a weekly basis, if not then I will move to the updates when I have news of stuff shipping out or news that needs to be communicated to everyone.  These updates usually take a few hours for me to compile and review so if I can cut that down it helps me out.  I will be communicating through email and messages if I have a question or issue with your specific reward.


Things went well this week. I do feel like the turtle, but I think he wins the race in the end.  Slow and steady...  I was able to make the 4 Master Craftsman boxes along with the trackers for backers #113 or less. The rewards that were in the finishing stage...

All shipping out in next few days!
All shipping out in next few days!

Some are shipping out Monday morning while the bulk will be shipping out Tuesday or Wednesday morning.  So if you are in that group look for a tracking number over the next few days.  I am now looking at producing rewards for #114 to #125. Also, going to make 2 of the artisan boxes with week, so this is going to be a busy week again.

Have a great week, and my Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!