Four Set Dice Holder, HP Tracker, Spell Tracker and Rolling Tray in a wooden box for D&D 5e or Tabletop RPG games. Six wood choices!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Production Update... Leather is in!
about 7 years ago
– Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 12:07:56 AM
This is going to be a long one...
I tried to take pictures with my phone this week just so you would have a visual with this update. Enjoy!
First - Leather is in!
Here are the pictures with the wood.
African Mahogany
Soft Maple
Pecan / Hickory
White Oak
The second die was still NOT what I needed it to be so we had to cut off a very small amount to make them fit correctly in the box. But that is done now. This will give you an idea of the leather combinations (your specific box may have some variance) but the pictures give you an idea. Just wish we had better lighting because in person the wood looks much better and is more tonal than the pictures. :-(
Some Artisan Personalization
Here are some pictures of some Artisan boxes that are in the final stages with personalization.
Zebrawood w/personalization
Bolivian Rosewood w/small logo
Bolivian Rosewood w/personalization
Problems with Equipment!
This week was plagued with problems, this effected productivity and loss of some product. I think that the the goblins thought I had treasure so they raided and ransacked my equipment in the process. A router went out (under warranty) and a CNC had to be worked on. Had some more issues but too tired to remember it right now. All is back up and running but still have a problem to solve to make production of the trackers go quicker. Producing the trackers are taking much longer that I accounted for and the loss/reject rate is much higher than expected.
Working on CNC
Help wanted! Labor Cost Skyrocket!
Santa taking all the skilled workers!
Good news, I was able to find an assistant for the right price (free) for the shop!
She is suppose to help with production of the rewards but she is useless towards getting anything out BUT she keeps my spirits up while I am working in the shop, so I keep her around for eye candy!
Molly the shop cat
Wanting Pets and Attention!
Trackers Trackers Trackers!
I got lots of trackers to the finishing stage, these are ready to go to "finishing".
Stacking the up
Artistic Vision!
Close up of some random trackers
Current "To Do"
Lots of product is in the "finishing" stage. Here are the 12+ trays that I need to do a coat on before I go to sleep tonight.
First Pic
Second Pic
Waiting for Assembly
This is some of the product that has the final coat on them already. They will still have to cure for about 30 more days so I leave them open and elevated on a tray with good air flow... (Don't worry they can cure at your place!) The finish still needs about 30 days before it completely hardens.
Done! Now for Assembly
Shipping first wave
I am behind as you can see but I am making lots of progress. I should have about 20 Master Craftsman boxes and 5 Artisan boxes go out in the next few days. I have sent some emails to backers requesting confirmation/approval on stuff, so make sure that you do not block my emails that are coming from [email protected]. Sorry that I over promised but I still think that I can get almost all of the December delivery *wave 1 and wave 1.5* shipped in December. Thanks to those that moved to wave 1.5, It helps more than you know and it does not change how fast I am making these rewards, (still working at full speed). Just everyone pray to Glittergold that I have smooth sailing moving forward and to keep the goblins from raiding my stuff again! Well I have about 2 hours of "finishing" to do before bed and it is 2 am, so I am going to get that done so I can go to bed!
I will leave you with a final picture that I thought was really nice that I took while working this week.
Planner shavings
May Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!
Production Update week ending 12/08/2017
about 7 years ago
– Sat, Dec 09, 2017 at 02:46:49 PM
First, I wanted to thank everyone that volunteered to be in the 1.5 wave. It helped focus me on what needs to be made ASAP.
I want to try to update you on the progress that I have made once a week. Here is the latest on what is going on at Gnomeworks. Currently working on the tracker orders and producing one box a day (top and bottom). Currently doing Walnut Master Craftsman boxes. See pictures below on product that is now in the finishing stage. Lots of trackers for the boxes that are already made. I am starting to focus on finishing the orders completely so that they are ready to be shipped. Before I was doing "parts" of each but not a complete "set". Now I feel like some things are coming together due to seeing product entering the finishing stage. I will be working over the next few hours (staring at a computer screen) to better separate first wave from 1.5 wave. I start the CNC machines at 9am so about 2 hours from now. Been up since 4am putting a coat of finish on the product in the pictures.
Before 1st Coat
After 1st Coat
Yes I ran out of painter pyramids (more ordered)
Still have not hear back from the Die company on when they will have the die done for the leather cut out. I will keep you updated as I know more. I plan on posting pictures of each of the combinations so that you can see what you ordered, if you change your mind on the color of the leather, I will unlock your survey so that you can make the change and then relock it. Keep a lookout for the update that the pics have been posted, I will start pushing gluing the leather down about 24 hours after posting the pics. If you picked black, it goes with anything and I think the rustic goes with everything also. The camel might be odd with some of the woods, I will not know until I see it while taking the pictures.
Back to the salt mines!
May Glittergold bless our efforts today!
Update on Production...
about 7 years ago
– Wed, Dec 06, 2017 at 12:16:07 AM
I have good news and bad news...
Bad news...
Leather is delayed due to the die that I had made was too large. See pictures below. It took over 2 weeks to get the first die made and they are having to make another, I have put a rush on the die and hopefully they can get it done sooner than last time. I am also behind on my original production projections. It is taking longer than expected to complete the boxes. I had some unforeseen hiccups (new problems to solve), I did not take into account some steps that are taking longer than expected, like cutting out the trackers, taking raw wood and making it into usable product, AND I did the theoretical maximum on what I could do (7 by 15). I am working about 10+ hours a day but the production still is not what I thought it would be. I have learned that when I get too tired I start to make mistakes and that is good for nobody. I will be contacting some of you to see if you would be willing to be in wave 1.5. I know that some backers are giving these as Christmas presents, so I can not delay the shipping. I have all of the Artisan in process and they should be completed by Dec 16th. I also believe that all the trackers and apprentice boxes will be done also by Dec 16th, I will be able to call it start of next week. I am looking to the Master Craftsman level to possibly help me with this delay. Just be on the lookout for the email requesting volunteers to move to the 1.5 wave. I pulled all of the product together and had a quick picture to show that work has been done.
All Production in Different Stages
Leather too large
Good News...
I received the funds from Kickstarter yesterday. Thank you again for supporting my project! I also got in the foam today. I picked the 1/2" squares to maximize the versatility of the foam and ease of customization. It has a little play on the sides but as you see it covers the rolling tray just fine. See the pics below.
Foam instead of Trackers
Thanks for your understanding and support!
Closing Dec Delivery Surveys in 24 hrs
about 7 years ago
– Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 05:33:16 PM
Just a quick reminder that if you are in the December delivery please complete your surveys. I will be closing them tomorrow. If you have not completed your survey I will move your reward to the 2nd wave so you have more time to complete the survey.
Also, if you have completed your survey, Please review it one more time to make sure that you have picked what you want as options! Here is a link so that you can request your survey again to review it. Once it is closed, I will be making what you requested in the survey! Here is the URL:
I have been working the Gnomes hard to get this production running as fast as possible. I hear that they are talking to the Dwarfs about how to form a labor union and I have heard that there maybe strikes in the future but I want to put your mind to rest! I am working hard to keep their little noses to the grindstone, sandpaper and planer whichever is more productive! Here are some pictures of the work that I am doing so far:
Tool of the trade
1st Pathfinder Spell Tracker
May Glittergold fill your pots with lots and lots of gold!
Surveys Sent!
about 7 years ago
– Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 01:36:35 PM
Keep a look out for the survey in your mailbox. If you have questions feel free to pm me.
Thanks in advance for your quick response.
People in 1st wave (December delivery) -
I will lock down your survey on Dec 1 (1 week from today). If you have not completed your survey by then you risk having your reward pushed to the 2nd wave!
People in 2nd wave (Q1 2018 delivery) -
I will lock down your survey around Dec 16th. Good news is that today is the first day that my new equipment is running! It was delayed by about 2 weeks because (Murphy's Law) but I blame the goblins for ransacking the trade caravans! We need more druids, fighters and rangers to keep those trade caravans moving and without loss!